A powerful and energy-efficient all-round dehumidifier

Wood’s MRD20 is a powerful, all-around dehumidifier that fits most environments. The MRD20 is easy to move to where it’s most needed at the moment and it exhausts warm, dry air on its top that blow-dries the laundry. With MRD20, you don’t have to worry about maintenance or defrosting – merely set desired humidity level and leave the unit to run.

The MRD20 is a smart and powerful dehumidifier, packed with features and benefits! If you need to dehumidify larger, more humid areas, our MRD25 may better suit your needs.

The all-new MRD20 is a compact and powerful dehumidifier that will remove up to 20 liters of moisture per day. The MRD20 has several features and is very easy to use. It has great capacity, even when the temperature drops to +5˚C. Due to its built-in thermostat, the machine will automatically shut off at +5˚C. When the temperature rises the machine automatically restarts. This creates efficient protection against mold.